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French flashcards - parts of the face
Flashcards French Android
Term/Front | Definition/Back |
1 Œil | Eye |
2 Nez | Nose |
3 Bouche | Mouth |
4 Oreille | Ear |
5 Front | Forehead |
6 Sourcil | Eyebrow |
7 Cils | Eyelashes |
8 Visage | Face |
9 Traits du visage | Facial features |
10 Joue | Cheek |
11 Lèvres | Lips |
12 Dents | Teeth |
13 Langue | Tongue |
14 Rides du front | Forehead wrinkles |
15 Temple | Temple |
16 Mâchoire | Jawline |
17 Menton | Chin |
18 Cheveux courts | Short hair |
19 Cheveux longs | Long hair |
20 Ligne de cheveux reculée | Receding hairline |
21 Cheveux clairs | Light hair |
22 Cheveux foncés | Dark hair |
23 Yeux bleus | Blue eyes |
24 Moustache | Moustache |
25 Barbe |
beard |
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