Spain flashcards - parts of the face
Android application, automatic learning without touching the phone
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🤖📚📖❓🎧🚴 Voice flashcards - an Android app for learning without touching the phone.
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Term/Front | Definition/Back |
1 Ojo | Eye |
2 Nariz | Nose |
3 Boca | Mouth |
4 Oreja | Ear |
5 Frente | Forehead |
6 Ceja | Eyebrow |
7 Pestañas | Eyelashes |
8 Rostro | Face |
9 Rasgos faciales | Facial features |
10 Mejilla | Cheek |
11 Labios | Lips |
12 Dientes | Teeth |
13 Lengua | Tongue |
14 Arrugas en la frente | Forehead wrinkles |
15 Sien | Temple |
16 Línea de la mandíbula | Jawline |
17 Barbilla | Chin |
18 Pelo corto | Short hair |
19 Pelo largo | Long hair |
20 Entradas | Receding hairline |
21 Pelo claro | Light hair |
22 Pelo oscuro | Dark hair |
23 Ojos azules | Blue eyes |
24 Bigote | Moustache |
25 Barba |
beard |
ℹ️ Flashcards created on our website will become interactive after imported into the NotifyWord app on Android.☝️
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