Niemiecki fiszki - części twarzy
Niemiecki fiszki android aplikacja do nauki czyta automatycznie bez dotykania telefonu
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Flashcards created on our website will become interactive after imported into the NotifyWord app on Android.
🤖📚📖❓🎧🚴 Voice flashcards - an Android app for learning without touching the phone.
➕ On the website, you can create your own sets of flashcards, both public and private, import them from text, and then import them into the Android application.
Term/Front | Definition/Back |
1 Auge | Oko |
2 Nase | Nos |
3 Mund | Usta |
4 Ohr | Ucho |
5 Stirn | Czoło |
6 Augenbraue | Brew |
7 Wimpern | Rzęsy |
8 Gesicht | Twarz |
9 Gesichtszüge | Cechy twarzy |
10 Wange | Policzek |
11 Lippen | Usta |
12 Zähne | Zęby |
13 Zunge | Język |
14 Stirnfalten | Zmarszczki na czole |
15 Schläfe | Skroń |
16 Kieferlinie | Szczęka |
17 Kinn | Broda |
18 Kurze Haare | Krótkie włosy |
19 Lange Haare | Długie włosy |
20 Geheimratsecken | Zakola |
21 Helle Haare | Jasne włosy |
22 Dunkle Haare | Ciemne włosy |
23 Blaue Augen | Niebieskie oczy |
24 Schnurrbart | Wąsy |
25 Bart |
Broda |
ℹ️ Flashcards created on our website will become interactive after imported into the NotifyWord app on Android.☝️
📚✍️📲 You can copy the flashcards to your set, copy the flashcards and paste them in the import tab by selecting the TAB separator.