Włoski - przysłówki miejsce

20 Cards



Flashcards created on our website will become interactive after imported into the NotifyWord app on Android.

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🤖📚📖❓🎧🚴 Voice flashcards - an Android app for learning without touching the phone.
➕ On the website, you can create your own sets of flashcards, both public and private, import them from text, and then import them into the Android application.
Term/Front Definition/Back
1 qui tutaj
2 tam
3 sopra na górze
4 sotto na dole
5 dentro wewnątrz
6 fuori na zewnątrz
7 dietro z tyłu
8 davanti z przodu
9 accanto obok
10 vicino blisko
11 lontano daleko
12 in alto na górze
13 in basso na dole
14 in mezzo po środku
15 in cima na szczycie
16 in fondo na dnie
17 a sinistra na lewo
18 a destra na prawo
19 di là tamtędy
20 dappertutto wszędzie
ℹ️ Flashcards created on our website will become interactive after imported into the NotifyWord app on Android.☝️ 📚✍️📲 You can copy the flashcards to your set, copy the flashcards and paste them in the import tab by selecting the TAB separator.
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