Chinese Flashcards - Dictionary 1 HSK

153 Cards



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Term/Front Definition/Back
1 I, me
2 我们 we, us (pl.)
3 you
4 你们 you (pl.)
5 he, him
6 she, her
7 他们 they (male+female / male, pl.)
8 她们 they (females, pl.)
9 这 (这儿) here, this
10 那 (那儿) there, that
11 哪(哪儿) where
12 who
13 什么 what, why
14 多少 how many, how much
15 a few, how many
16 怎么 how
17 怎么样 how about
18 one
19 two
20 three
21 four
22 five
23 six
24 seven
25 eight
26 nine
27 ten
28 zero
29 one, a, an
30 year
31 volume
32 some
33 piece
34 no
35 no
36 quite, very
37 too
38 all
39 and
40 in, at
41 Possessive particle indicates affiliation or specifies objects, e.g. my, yours, ours, yours, theirs
42 Particle of time or change of state, e.g. ending a sentence in the past tense, change of situation, prediction, point of time
43 The interrogative particle is a particle used at the end of a sentence in Chinese to form questions
44 An interrogative particle used to draw attention to a question about something that has already been mentioned, a rhetorical question, or an inquiry about a state or situation
45 hello
46 home
47 学校 school
48 饭店 restaurant
49 商店 store
50 医院 hospital
51 火车站 train station
52 中国 China
53 北京 Beijing
54 up
55 down
56 前面 front
57 后面 behind
58 inside
59 今天 today
60 明天 tomorrow
61 昨天 yesterday
62 上午 morning
63 中午 noon
64 下午 afternoon
65 year
66 month
67 day
68 星期 week
69 dot, spot
70 分钟 minute
71 现在 now
72 时候 time
73 爸爸 father
74 妈妈 mother
75 儿子 son
76 女儿 daughter
77 老师 teacher
78 学生 student
79 同学 shoolmate
80 朋友 friend
81 医生 doctor
82 先生 sir
83 小姐 Miss
84 衣服 cloth
85 water
86 vegetable
87 米饭 rice
88 水果 fruit
89 苹果 apple
90 tea
91 杯子 cup
92 money
93 飞机 airplane
94 出租车 taxi
95 电视 television
96 电脑 computer
97 电影 movie
98 天气 weather
99 cat
100 dog
101 东西 thing
102 person
103 名字 name
104 book
105 汉语 mandarin Chinese
106 character
107 桌子 desk
108 椅子 chair
109 谢谢 thank
110 不客气 you are welcome
111 再见 good-bye
112 please
113 对不起 sorry
114 没关系 It doesn’t matter
115 be (am, is, are)
116 have
117 look
118 listen
119 说话 speak
120 read
121 write
122 看见 see
123 call
124 come
125 return
126 go
127 eat
128 drink
129 睡觉 sleep
130 打电话 call up
131 do
132 buy
133 open
134 sit
135 live
136 学习 study
137 工作 work
138 下雨 rain
139 love
140 喜欢 love, like
141 want
142 认识 know
143 can
144 can, be able to
145 good
146 big
147 small
148 many, much
149 few, little
150 cold
151 hot
152 高兴 happy
153 漂亮 beautiful
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