French flashcards - business and work

Flashcards en anglais - affaires et travail

56 Cards




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🤖📚📖❓🎧🚴 Thẻ flashcard âm thanh - ứng dụng Android để học mà không cần chạm vào điện thoại.
➕ Trên trang web, bạn có thể tạo bộ thẻ học của riêng mình, cả công khai và riêng tư, nhập chúng từ văn bản, và sau đó nhập vào ứng dụng Android.
Term/Front Definition/Back
1 work travail
2 job, profession emploi, métier
3 company entreprise, société
4 boss patron
5 employee employé
6 colleague collègue
7 office work travail de bureau
8 office bureau
9 meeting réunion
10 contract contrat
11 salary increase augmentation de salaire
12 job application candidature
13 job interview entretien d'embauche
14 employment contract contrat de travail
15 overtime heures supplémentaires
16 business partners partenaires commerciaux
17 manager directeur
18 project projet
19 department département
20 customer client
21 product development développement de produit
22 budget budget
23 marketing campaign campagne marketing
24 market research étude de marché
25 negotiation négociation
26 presentation présentation
27 delivery livraison
28 sales ventes
29 accounting comptabilité
30 taxes taxes
31 profit profit
32 losses pertes
33 market marché
34 competition concurrence
35 strategy stratégie
36 target audience public cible
37 efficiency efficacité
38 effectiveness efficacité
39 investment investissement
40 finances finances
41 sales distribution distribution des ventes
42 administration administration
43 customer service service client
44 sales ventes
45 invoice facture
46 order commande
47 production production
48 services services
49 trade commerce
50 export exportation
51 import importation
52 economy économie
53 start a company créer une entreprise
54 market share part de marché
55 supply chain chaîne d'approvisionnement
56 cost estimate estimation des coûts
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