Italian - family, marriage
Inglese - matrimonio familiare
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Term/Front | Definition/Back |
1 famiglia | family |
2 parente | relative |
3 madre | mother |
4 mamma, mammina, mama | mum, mummy, mom |
5 padre | father |
6 papà, babbo | dad, daddy |
7 madrina | godmother |
8 padrino | godfather |
9 matrigna | stepmother |
10 patrigno | stepfather |
11 suocera | mother-in-law |
12 suocero | father-in-law |
13 figlia | daughter |
14 figlio | son |
15 nino | godson |
16 nina | goddaughter |
17 figliastra, figliastro | stepdaughter, stepchild |
18 nuora | daughter-in-law |
19 genero | son-in-law |
20 nonna | grandmother |
21 nonno | grandfather |
22 bisnonna | great-grandmother |
23 bisnonno | great-grandfather |
24 la nipote | granddaughter |
25 il nipote | grandson |
26 la pronipote | great-granddaughter |
27 il pronipote | great-grandson |
28 sorella | sister |
29 fratello | brother |
30 sorellastra | stepsister |
31 fratellastro | stepbrother |
32 cognata | sister-in-law |
33 cognato | brother-in-law |
34 cugino, cugina | cousin |
35 zia | aunt |
36 zio | uncle |
37 la nipote | niece |
38 il nipote | nephew |
39 moglie | wife |
40 marito | husband |
41 coniuge | spouse |
42 vedova | widow |
43 vedovo | widower |
44 divorziato | divorcee |
45 sposato sposata | married |
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